Berkeley County ARES® meetings are held at either the Berkeley County EOC, 223 North Live Oak Drive, Moncks Corner, SC, or the Berkeley County Library at 1003 US-52, Moncks Corner, SC.
Meetings are normally held on the Last Saturday of each month regardless of the length of the month at 09:00 Local Time. The dates may vary due to outside influences. Please refer to the table below for exact locations, dates and times.

24 Feb 2018

Our next ARES meeting is Saturday, February 24th. It'll be 9-11am at the Moncks Corner library.

Minutes from our January and future meetings, will be provided for those who can't make meetings but wish to stay involved.

27 Jan 2018

Our first meeting of the year is this Saturday, January 27th at 9AM at the Moncks Corner Library.

Also, we finally got what we need for our background checks for the county! Find the form on the training page of this website, print it out, fill it in and bring to meeting.

Rough agenda:Upcoming events, known and potential; Discussion of plans for year; Request for additional suggestions; Fire house setup plans; Report on GridX drill

73, Linda, KJ4EVV

Last Modified: 23-Feb-2018© Berkeley County, SC ARES®
ARES® is a registered Service Mark of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Inc
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